Business Services » Local Funding

Local Funding

Planning for Continued Academic Excellence 

by Retaining Highly Qualified Teachers and Sustaining Academic Programs


The Burlingame School District (BSD) offers outstanding education in a vibrant and nurturing atmosphere, fostering learning through a rigorous and inclusive curriculum tailored to all students. Feedback from parents and community members has shown us that the district's elementary and middle schools are a main factor in their decision to reside in Burlingame, which also enhances local property values.


Teacher Compensation Has Not Kept Pace with the High Cost of Living


Studies have revealed that the presence of a high-quality teacher is crucial in delivering a top-tier education to students. Despite being recognized as some of the most accomplished educators in the Bay Area, our teachers find themselves facing stagnant compensation while living expenses are on the rise.


Locally Controlled Funding for Teachers and Academic Programs Has Remained Stagnant


In Burlingame, there's a longstanding community tradition of bolstering our schools through locally generated funding approved by voters via parcel tax measures. These funds have been instrumental in enabling BSD to attract and retain top-notch educators, sustain high-quality core academic offerings in STEM, and nurture arts and music programs. However, this funding stream has not changed in over 12 years, failing to keep pace with current inflation. Consequently, teacher compensation and school resources have lagged behind. Additionally, BSD's elementary and middle schools receive some of the lowest state funding per student across San Mateo County.


Potential Measure to Keep Teachers Local, Reduce Class Sizes, and Protect Core Academics


BSD is actively exploring local funding options to keep pace with the rising costs of providing a quality education. One option currently being considered would be a measure based on the square footage of buildings on a given parcel, meaning single-family homeowners would pay significantly lower rates than large property owners. While no final decisions have been made, the District has been exploring a rate of 14 cents per building square foot with a cap on the amount any one parcel could pay. Parcels without any buildings on them would pay a flat $25 rate. This potential measure could provide locally controlled funding to help BSD maintain quality schools by:

    • Attracting and retaining qualified teachers by providing competitive compensation to account for cost-of-living increases
    • Maintaining innovative academic programs in hands-on science, technology, and engineering
    • Protecting core academic programs like reading, writing, and math
    • Reducing class sizes


Fiscal Accountability and Local Control Would Be Required


BSD has proven to be a good steward of public funds and has spent past voter-approved funding as promised. Any future parcel tax measure would include the same fiscal accountability as past measures, including: 

    • All funds would be controlled locally and could not be taken away by the State
    • Independent citizens' oversight and mandatory annual audits would be required
    • Senior citizens and individuals with disabilities would be exempt from the cost


Learn More! 


To learn more about the steps BSD is taking to explore funding options to maintain our quality local schools, look at the materials linked below. Additionally, we value input from our community. For more information or to ask questions, please reach out to Jennifer Baker, Administrative Assistant of Business Services [email protected]